Make a donation.

Youth With A Mission Colorado Springs has been sending long-term workers and short-term teams in the least reached nations since 1993. Our driving goal has always been to see Christ glorified and lifted up in the darkest places in the world.

We are calling short and long-term workers, equipping them to take the whole Gospel. They are impacting the 3 billion people who have little to no knowledge of Jesus and His amazing love for them!

Explore your options of giving below.

  • By giving to the operational development of the ministry, you are helping us as we look to future campus expansions. We need to create more classrooms, offices and housing. Partner with us as we provide ongoing staff development, training and technological resources for our staff and students.

  • Giving to our Student Scholarship Fund, allows people from all walks of life to make missions training a reality. Bringing in more students means more people are equipped and sent out to impact the least reached people of the world.

  • We have long term workers partnering with us in twenty-eight countries reaching the lost. By giving to their locations, your funds are helping them fulfill the call on the lives as they impact the nations.

  • We will allocate your donation in the area most needed at the time of giving.